Dark Moonlight restless at the reveal: trailer for the AAA sci-fi survival horror

Dark Moonlight restless at the reveal: trailer for the AAA sci-fi survival horror

Dark Moonlight restless at the reveal

The universe of survival horror enthusiasts never seems to be affected by the lack of new titles to turn their interest to, with the genre that continues to see a large number of unreleased productions proliferate.

At the review of the most Recent announcements have now also added Dark Moonlight, a title developed by the Silent Bear Studio team and published by Black Rose Project. The production identifies its setting in the not too distant future, in which players will take control of Dave Kellerman. The protagonist is a man afflicted by a multiplicity of fears and phobias. To try to improve his mental health, Kellerman agrees to undergo a modern experimental psychological therapy: despite the beneficial initial effects, not everything turns out to go as expected.

In Dark Moonlight, the protagonist wakes up in fact in a world completely different from the real one. Populated with creepy creatures, this dark universe will test the player's survival skills, armed with a small amount of resources. To get your hands on better equipment it will also be necessary to sharpen your wits, to solve the many puzzles present in survival horror. The development team promises the public an experience with visual quality worthy of an AAA.

At the moment Dark Moonlight lacks a precise exit window: to give a first look at the atmospheres that will characterize the production, directly at the opening of this news you will find the game announcement trailer.

The Zelmenyaners

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