You can buy Xbox Series X on the Unieuro website for 499.99 euros (link not tracked), as always in these cases if you are interested in buying the advice is to hurry up because the console could remain available for a very short time and go sold-out in a few minutes .
Xbox Series X was back on Amazon at the beginning of the week but was only available for a few minutes before being sold out. Xbox Series S is currently not available on the Unieuro website and not even on Amazon, reflecting the moderate interest also generated by the little sister of the Xbox Series X.
Other retailers should soon receive new Xbox Series X stocks like GameStop USA, the chain is planning a refueling for the day today, valid only for North America while nothing is known about a possible arrival of new consoles in GameStopZing stores in Europe.
Su Unieuro, as mentioned, Xbox Series X is ready for delivery, take advantage of it before it's too late, let us know below in the comments if you managed to buy it or not.
Update - Xbox Series X is sold-out by Unieuro, at the moment the console is no longer available for purchase.