Jarod Nandin was something of a legend in the World of Warcraft community: in addition to being an esteemed longtime MMORPG Blizzard player, he rose to celebrity status after his perfect portrayal of the "dude without a real life "during BlizzCon 2013, or by making an impressive cosplay of the character of the player specialized in World of Warcraft seen in South Park, within the episode" Make Love not Warcraft ".
Jarod, also helped by his physical conformation, has carried out a perfect reproduction of the character in question, considered an icon of the videogame imaginary as a representation of the classic stereotypes that contradict distinguish the gamer in the eyes of the public.
Jarod Nandin had taken it with extreme sense of humor, in his particular style, becoming a celebrity as a caricature of his own passion, thus showing great self-irony. The dynamics of his disappearance are not clear but it seems that he was infected by Covid-19 and that this, together with a rather complex clinical situation, led to serious complications up to his death in recent days.
" Today, the Warcraft and Blizzard community in general has lost one of its sweetest souls, ”said video game and esports journalist Michele Morrow. "Jarod Nandin, also known as JarodNWBZPWNR, was also known for his famous cosplay of The One Without a Real Life from the South Park episode Make Love not Warcraft".
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