More currently being worked on, the latest version of the HD Reworked Project NextGen Mod aims to significantly improve the quality of the textures scattered throughout all regions of The Witcher 3. Three months after the release of update 12.0, modder Halk Hogan returned to elaborate and deepen his work to bring it to a "Nex-Gen" level. At the moment we only have a small preview thanks to the video that we have reported at the bottom of the news, and which showcases the appreciable improvements that the beautiful city of Novigrad can thus enjoy.
The modder also added of having tried to personally contact CD Projekt RED to form a collaboration aimed at improving The Witcher 3 on the next generation consoles and for a further upgrade on PC. At the moment we await a possible response from the Polish studio, and we will keep you updated in case of news.
Last but not least, the author of HD Reworked says he is interested in working in future also to Cyberpunk 2077, a wonderful game to see in his opinion, but which in some cases highlights low-quality assets that could be re-proposed in a better light. We take this opportunity to remind you that the Sci-Fi RPG has just been updated to version 1.1, which should have made important improvements in general stability and in the fixes of several bugs.