In the role of a Stalker, or a Bounty hunter in search of treasure and rewards, players will find themselves traversing an area populated by creepy mutant creatures and dangerous radiation. In fact, this peculiar first-person shooter develops around the Chernobyl nuclear plant, which promises tension and horror atmospheres. STALKER 2 will be a great open world, with the development team working to make the game world incredibly expansive. Before you can get your hands on this new production, expected on PC and Xbox Series X (and from Day One on Xbox Game Pass), the Everyeye editorial team will accompany you to discover the title that preceded it.
Published back in 2007, STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl was packaged by the Ukrainian team of GSC Game World, a software house based in a former military factory. To tell you about every background and feature of the shooter, our Daniele D'Orefice has ventured into a journey through time, from which a rich dedicated video has come to life. As per tradition, you can find the video directly at the opening of this news and on the pages of the Everyeye YouTube Channel: enjoy!