Microsoft Flight Simulator's World Update 3 is very large, containing over 70 points of interest, 5 airports, two landing challenges and even 5 cities modeled through photogrammetry and this procedure required a a little more time than the developers predicted.
The new photogrammetry technology used by Asobo Studio and Microsoft, in collaboration with Bing Maps and Bluesky, has allowed an even more precise reconstruction of very large urban areas , as can also be seen from the video and images shown below.
With the new update, the developers have also announced the next Worl d Update 4 which will bring greater care in the reproduction of the territories of France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg, expected for March 2021 on a date yet to be specified. Among other innovations, the developers are also working on an expansion of the creative possibilities for users and third party developers.
These include the possibility of applying the FlyByWire Simulations A32NX to the simulation and is also planned in the future the introduction of the Scenery Gateway System among the tools available to third party developers. This should allow greater possibilities for modders and third-party developers to modify the elements of the scenario, in order to allow the creation of content that also concerns the settings.