Co-director Ari Gibson first explained that Silksong will offer a level of challenge comparable to that of the first chapter. At the same time, it will also act as a perfect entry point for new players, introducing settings, story and characters to those who have never played Hollow Knight before: "We want Silksong to be approached by new players, and experienced. like the first episode of Hollow Knight - a game that can complement the first chapter, also offering the same level of difficulty ".
On another page of the magazine, the game designer William Pellen was given the opportunity to talk about the protagonist Hornet, who in some ways will be very different from Knight: "She is able to express her intentions and objectives clearly, which means that these aspects will not be hidden from the players. The mystery will not be lacking, but also if not played Hollow Knight players will get an idea of Hornet's character and initial goals very quickly. "
Hollow Knight Silksong, remember, is expected on PC and Nintendo Switch on a date not yet revealed. In Edge coverage there was also talk of interactions with NPCs and Silksong's quests.