Michael Mumbauer, in fact, describing his 13 years with PlayStation on his LinkedIN profile, talked about his role in developing pioneering technologies to create narrative in real time. Techniques used within "franchises such as" Uncharted "," The Last of Us ", God of War", "Marvel's Spider-Man" and "Death Stranding" which have achieved record sales and international acclaim for Sony. "
An impeccable speech, if it were not that, at the moment, Death Stranding is neither a franchise nor a blockbuster. Kojima Productions, in fact, has never officially talked about a sequel to the game, despite being working on a new project. Furthermore, after the excellent initial sales, nothing was known about how many copies Death Stranding sold.
Indeed, some rumors claimed that the bad sales of Death Stranding had created contrasts between Sony and Kojima. Finding, therefore, the game among Sony's "record breakers" along with products that have placed tens of millions of copies such as Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War and Marvel's Spider-Man is at least surprising.
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