To the microphones of Sky News, the company stated the following: “Following a technical error, some people have been able to place orders for PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles for a short time on Sunday, however, these items are not available and affected customers. have received notification of order cancellation. We apologize for the inconvenience ". To the delight of all users who are left with a dry mouth, there is a first shock against this phenomenon of looting.
The collective has cleverly skipped the virtual dealer queues by using a bot that can automatically reserve consoles, when they became available again. A move considered by many to be lacking in correctness and which has finally been stemmed. The only thing that actually saddens a bit, is the probable cancellation of the order of some users who had booked their next-gen console to brighten their days of an already difficult Christmas season.
Series X and PS5 are finally among us, ready to offer us all the power and contents of this ninth generation of videogames. Both consoles offer their own vision, with Xbox expanding its Game Pass even further (find the constantly updated list here) and PlayStation still focusing on its wonderful exclusives (here's the guide to the best games to play at launch on PS5) . Which next-gen console did you choose? Have you already managed to buy one? Let us know in the comments!
For users already in possession of Series X | S or PS5, on Amazon Italy you can buy an additional Xbox controller or DualSense!