The video is somewhat bizarre and consists of an extremely fast montage of varied scenes, but touches on a number of elements that immediately triggered different theories, starting with the "projection" of a sort of bunny drawn in reality, next to a girl with one strange device on him.
According to some, this element could even be a reference to a VR or AR viewer, considering the experiments carried out by Microsoft in the field with HoloLens, even if obviously these are only somewhat crazy assumptions for the moment .
The presence of Master Chief is much clearer, which could indicate another reference to Halo Infinite, a game that on the other hand was present and also in the other Power Your Dreams commercial for Xbox Series X | S, demonstrating how the title is still central to the marketing of the Microsoft console.
Considering that a major update is expected shortly, we may be close to knowing the release date of Halo Infinite, which could be set for spring, according to the actor who played the protagonist in the motion capture.
There are however many other strange details in the short turn of the video, which could actually be connected to games or initiatives planned for the new Microsoft console, as it had also happened for the previous spot, so it is a question of starting a bit of guesswork and speculation, waiting to see the final form of the spot.
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