Il December began in a more than explosive way for the various subscribers of the Microsoft service. Never before have we seen such full-bodied entries, able to emphasize even more the importance of Xbox Game Pass. In fact it is no longer a mystery to see blockbusters like DOOM Eternal, Jedi Fallen Order or Resident Evil 7 join this splendid subscription service. In fact, the current month has continued the "tradition" by debuting in the Game Pass titles of the caliber of Control and Dragon Quest XI S - Definitive Edition, with the latter arriving at day one of its release on Microsoft consoles.
https://twitter.com/mattpercyprime/status/1333998150118359041?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1333998150118359041% 2Fxbox-game-pass-manager-says-they-are-just-getting-warmed-up-for-the-holidays
So even after such a rich line-up, the subscriber could definitely consider himself more than satisfied. But apparently the Christmas period will still be full of surprises according to the various representatives of the Redmond house. Through a tweet in response to Aaron Greenberg, Matt Percy (General Manager of the Game Pass project) confirmed that "the best is yet to come".
The GM did not miss out on further details but there is a very big chance of seeing some particular announcement during the future The Game Awards (which will take place next Thursday night). So if you are a subscriber to the Xbox Game Pass service, you will potentially enjoy a Christmas full of impressive titles and interesting surprises. Now we just have to wait for more announcements and hope for the best!
Unfortunately, the new Xbox Series X | S are not currently available. However, you can also take advantage of the Xbox Game Pass service through Xbox One S and Xbox One X.