The broadcast will begin at 15:45 Italian time. Connect to this address if you want to witness the dawn of the new year. Refrain flat-earthers.
Aside from the charm of such an event, the live broadcast will also contain pokémon, as promised by the official Nintendo Pocket Monsters Twitter account. "The" First Sunrise in Space "LIVE program from the International Space Station (ISS) will also include Pokemon and will be broadcast today Thursday December 31 at 3:45 pm," the tweet reads. "The appearance of Pokemon will be after the countdown to the end of the year!"
Fans are immediately unleashed and think that this event will coincide with the appearance of Dialga and Palkia the legendary pokemon of the fourth generation of the Nintendo RPGs. A rumor also linked to a tweet from the director of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl that feeds the rumors of a remake.
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