This was declared by Riot Games CEO Nicolo Laurent, who wrote a post on the company's blog, first of all thanking the excellent work of the staff. "I don't want to dwell on how difficult this year has been, each of us knows how different it has been from the others. However, I would like to draw something positive from all this, as the pandemic has reminded us how important our approach to work is. The fans are giving us an incredible charge, and for this we need a team that is rested and who is always committed to guaranteeing meaningful and lasting experiences in the future "
Despite everything, Riot Games has closed its 2020 on the rise thanks above all to its League of Legends winner at the Game Awards 2020 as best eSports Game. Valorant is also having some success in recent months, managing to amaze with a really well done online component. In short, the one done by Riot Games turns out to be truly commendable and a nice Christmas present for those who have committed themselves to this really tough year.
What do you think of this news? Do you appreciate the gift given by the company? Let us know in the comments below in the dedicated section. As always, we invite you to follow our pages for all the news in the videogame field.
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