The Last of Us 2: We have to talk about video game stories (Special)
2Cyberpunk 2077: Will CD Projekt Red be unfair treated? (Special)
3Cyberpunk 2077: Raytracing benchmarks and DLSS performance (Special)
4Top 10: These are the ten best Playstation games of the year (Special)
5The best PC games of 2020: The editors have chosen (Special)
6Animal Crossing: New Horizons - All tips at a glance (tip)
7The Dark side of the gamepad: Finally being really bad (Special)
8Graphic highlights 2020: The 10 most beautiful games of the year (Special)
9Starlancer as a gap filler up to Squadron 42 appears? Almighty! (Special)
10Nintendo Switch: The best games of the year - Highlights 2020 (Special, 6 comments)
During the same period, of course, news appeared that were also published in of the community (59 news with 34 comments). The most read news in the past week: