NES players now receive the action adventure Nightshade. Nintendo also names a date for the new "free" games on Switch Online: The inclusive games will be available from December 18th. In order to receive the games, you need a subscription to Nintendo Switch Online and the respective applications "Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online" or "Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online" on your Switch - you can download the apps in no time at all the e-shop. (buy now)
As soon as the new "Free" games are available, the two programs will receive corresponding updates. The apps are included with an active Switch Online membership. An annual subscription costs 19.99 euros, three months for 7.99 euros and one month for 3.99 euros. You can see a trailer that introduces you to the December games in the tweet below.
Nintendo Switch Online: The new inclusive games from December 18th
Super NES - Nintendo Switch OnlineDonkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! The Ignition Factor SUPER VALIS IV Tuff E Nuff NES - Nintendo Switch Online
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