“We have an incredible team at Naughty Dog and to be able to work alongside each of them is very important, ”wrote Evan Wells. “I am proud of the team being able to recognize their achievements and contributions to the studio. Please join me in giving them all immense congratulations! "
As you have read, Evan Wells used the plural, as besides Neil Druckman all those who coordinated the work of The Last of Us part II were awarded. Indeed, Alison Mori and Christian Gyrling will be the new vice presidents of Naughty Dog. Previously, Alison Mori was the studio's director of operations, while Christian Gyrling was Naughty Dog's co-director of programming.
Definitely, Neil Druckman deserves this role, being a key creative figure in the company. Currently, he is co-writing The Last of Us TV show, but no doubt the team's next big project is also in the works. To make the public suspicious, in fact, was a movie released by Naughty Dog, entirely dedicated to Abby - one of the iconic characters of The Last of US Part II - almost alluding to the fact that there is a continuation of the game focused on her. For now, these are just some guesswork, but with Neil Druckmann at the top, The Last of Us will surely have a prominent place in its plans. We invite you to follow us waiting for more details to share with you.
The Last of Us Part II is on offer on Amazon Italy. You can buy it at this address, where you will also find the first chapter of The Last of Us and another great successful game from Naughty Dog, namely Uncharted 4.