To confirm this is the executive producer Martial Bossard who declared : “It will be open to all devices. Oculus peripherals, Valve peripherals… every headset will be supported ". It would also seem that the VR version will focus entirely on immersion; Bossard continued by adding: "The gameplay as well as the menus can be experienced in VR, so you can expect a seamless experience", he concluded.
Expected on Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S for the 2021, the title is preparing to receive a new update dedicated to the United Kingdom in January, with the addition of 50 new points of interest and visual improvements dedicated to buildings and airports (to learn more about the topic in detail, we invite you to recover the dedicated news by clicking here). Since its release, the Asobo Studio flight simulator has received constant updates such as the one dedicated to the USA announced with a trailer with great fanfare.
If you don't know it, here is the description of the title: “Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most acclaimed simulators. From light aircraft to the largest jets, fly aboard highly detailed aircraft in an incredibly realistic world. Create your flight plan and reach any destination on the planet. Enjoy day and night flights and face adverse, ultra-realistic weather conditions "
On Amazon Italy you can buy Oculus Rift S, the excellent VR headset developed by Oculus VR. It is also possible to buy the Microsoft flight simulator in physical version.