The IO project: there is more besides Cashback
We can only refer to the official roadmap, to that path that started in April 2018, with the announcement of the Digital Transformation Team, then unraveled through design and prototyping phases with a very specific goal: to bring together everything needed for access to public services within a single digital tool. It is enough to pause for a moment to reflect considering the fragmented context that has affected the Public Administration up to now to realize how much it was (and still is in some ways) a huge enterprise. , despite all those in possession of a non-obsolete smartphone can now download it for free. The team working on the initiative explains why.The release of IO on the stores is an important step for digital public services in Italy and a further step in this ambitious project. By making the app available in beta to all citizens, in fact, we have started the second phase of the experimentation, which is essential to encourage the adoption of IO at national level.
It is therefore a project in progress, in continuous evolution, which necessarily suffers from the contribution and influence of what comes from citizens. It was also the case last week when with the start of the State Cashback the infrastructure on which the software rests collapsed leaving many at the mercy of failed logins and error messages.
IO is a collective project, a “Common good”, and so it will always be. Right from the start, we designed the app together with the citizens starting from the analysis of their needs, and we will continue to make it grow thanks to the constant contribution of users.
Just take a look at the graph below to understand what caused the problems: the huge amount of downloads concentrated in a few hours. There were 872,892 on Tuesday 8 December alone, while a week later (Tuesday 15 December) only 38,866.
In 2020 IO welcomed, among other things, integration with SPID and Electronic Identity Card, allowing to obtain the Holiday Bonus. Looking ahead, for 2021 the debut of a complete unpublished back-office dedicated to the onboarding of entities and services, the arrival of the Documents section in which to store certificates, receipts, identity documents etc. and putting online the Web version accessible from a browser on laptop and desktop computers. Then it will be time to look forward again, gathering new needs and intervening where necessary on the critical issues that have emerged, always starting from the needs of citizens, even those impervious and hostile to innovation who in any case will sooner or later benefit from it, directly or indirectly. br>
Source: IO