It has been a bittersweet year, but as studio boss Bonnie Ross draws to a close she said she was incredibly excited about what it is going to start. The founder concluded a lengthy speech on Halo Waypoint like this: "2021 will be a big year for the Halo franchise. As we recently announced, Halo Infinite will be released in the fall of 2021. I realize that the wait is. difficult, and I assure you that the team is willing to deliver the game to you as soon as possible, but they also want to give you something special ... the Halo you deserve. Thank you for your patience, for your understanding and above all for the words of support to the team. I am unable to express how grateful I am for the Halo community and the encouragement you have given us. It has lifted us up and provided us with the propellant to move forward. As you saw in our recent post, the team is making tremendous progress and is thrilled to show you more. "
The post Ross is referring to was published last December 9, and gave us a taste of multiplayer and the customization of Halo Infinite. The game, remember, will be launched in the fall of 2021 on PC, Xbox Series X | S and also on Xbox One, despite recent rumors that the last-gen edition was canceled.