Warstock Cache and Carry you will discover the two cars Toreador (3,660,000 GTA dollars) and Winky (825,000 to 1,100,000) after the GTA 5 Online Cayo Perico update GTA dollars). There are also the helicopter Annihilator (2,902,500 to 3,870,000 GTA dollars), the aircraft RO-86 (3,262,500 to 4,350,000 GTA dollars) and the boat Kurtz 31 (2,216,250 to 2,955,000 GTA Dollar). Then there is the Kosatka submarine, which serves as the operations center for the great Heist. The submarine is available from GTA $ 2,200,000. Additional expansions such as missiles and a weapons workshop will require one or two extra dollars from your account.
Also visit the Docktease website in GTA Online to buy the new Longfin boat - prices start at 1,593 .750 GTA dollars. It is likely that more vehicles will be unlocked in GTA 5 Online over the coming weeks. Dataminers already showed a number of cars on leaks that could soon come into play, including the ItaliRX and BriosO2. We will keep you up to date in our news area. (buy now € 149.99 / € 26.99)
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