Observing the images that the FIFA MGH influencer and player posted on Twitter, the provocation seems to hit the mark. On the one hand, in fact, we have a brightly colored photo, with a beautiful green lawn and the stands crowded with people. On the other hand, there are the same teams on the pitch, in the same stadium, but everything seems more washed out and decidedly less fascinating.
Obviously one could think that the first image is that of FIFA 21 and the second of FIFA 17 , actually it's the other way around. And this is where the controversy arises.
In reality, to understand the real differences and which of the two is actually the most beautiful, it is necessary to analyze the resolution, the refresh rate, the game physics, the color palette used and all these more technical elements. But it is certainly true that the steps forward, at least observing this freeze frame, are less than what is expected in 4 years of evolution with a generational change in between.
Surely EA Sports would have done without too of this controversy, taken as it is on the one hand by legislators who forced it to deactivate FUT in their country and on the other by players like Ibrahimovic who are beating cash.
What do you think?
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