The news arrives by Bank Security, a group specializing in IT security, which reported that it had detected a security breach in the Ho Mobile customer database, Vodafone's virtual operator: essentially, the entire Ho customer database would have ended up in sale on the darkweb, or the data relating to 2.5 million users for sale for only $ 500.
There is still no confirmation of the veracity of the data in question, but in the case the data dump would concern some sensitive personal elements, in this case:
Email address Fiscal code Telephone number SIM ICCID Address City
According to reports, data theft would have occurred by exploiting a vulnerability detected through the flat web form or the official Ho Mobile app, but Vodafone is awaiting confirmation or denial, which should arrive in the next few hours.
There are no credit card numbers or passwords among the stolen data, but with the elements present there are still possible potential risks also linked to the presence of the ICCD, which would allow the portability of a number on a new SIM from which to possibly access other user data (using two-factor authentication on the new SIM, for example).
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