It is, in particular, of a quote about CJ and Big Smoke, that is the protagonist and the major villain present in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, hidden between the journal present in the game interface and the streets of Night City, with a sort of very marginal but which has been clearly inserted to pay homage to the famous Rockstar Games game.
The information below could be considered spoilers, even if it has absolutely no connection with the main story of Cyberpunk 2077 or the side missions, therefore these are absolutely harmless advances, but we warn anyway.
Inside Night City it is in fact possible to find traces of two characters called CJ and Little Smoke, in particular there is a dialogue between the two which is recorded in the Cyberpunk 2077 journal, concerning a certain train and some action to be done on it, apparently not quite in the best way.
It seems to be definitely a quote from the GTA San Andreas mission Wrong Side of the Tracks, both in terms of the contents of the dialogue and the situation in which the two characters find themselves. CJ and Little Smoke can be physically found in Night City, but sadly they are both dead. To confirm the quote from the Rockstar characters, a half-eaten hamburger can also be seen near the body of Little Smoke.
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