The list of changes is very long, and ranges from corrections aimed at the progression of missions to refinements to the gameplay, graphics, user interface, up to interventions aimed at specific platforms. As for the quests, CD Projekt RED assures us that Jackie will no longer disappear in The Recovery or The Hit missions, and that in Love Like Fire players will no longer find the bug that prevents the helicopter landing. Takemura will regularly make his call in Play It Safe, Saul will smoothly reach the van in Riders on the Storm, fast travel before the Tiger Claws encounter will no longer block progression in I Fought for Law, it will no longer be possible to activate twice the same dialogue in Big in Japan and Delamain's car will stop appearing upside down at the end of Don't Lose Your Mind. The list of corrections to quests does not end here, for the rest we invite you to read the official Hotfix 1.05 changelog.
As for the gameplay, CD Projekt claims to have improved the reaction times of non-player characters behind cover and corrected the number of shots needed to kill civilians from a distance during combat. Visually speaking, UI overlay bugs have been fixed, warm tones added to HDR mode, fixed the bug that caused the viewfinder to persist even after sheathing a weapon, while after a Braindance you will not risk more get stuck in the third person. In addition, stability should have been enhanced, with consequent reduction of crashes.
Finally, we come to the specific interventions for the two consoles: sharpness has been improved with Chromatic Aberration and Grain active, improved l appearance of some vehicles and some visual problems have been fixed during the transitions in The Blow and Love Like Fire. Exclusively on Xbox, entering combat with Synaptic Accelerator active will no longer cause the health bar to disappear, and the game will remain responsive even after a profile has been disconnected with the controller disconnected message visible. CD Projekt RED has stated that Hotfix 1.05 will be coming to PC very soon as well. Meanwhile, both Microsoft and Sony are ensuring reimbursement to all players who are requesting it, even for physical copies.