Last week the news of RowdyRogan's ban, a very strong six-year-old child prodigy in Call of Duty, spread : Warzone, as well as streamer followed by more than 200,000 followers across Twitch and YouTube. The father posted a message on Twitter announcing the ban, complete with video to prove it.
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Gamers immediately started screaming rudely at the bad Activision, guilty of killing a child's dreams. Some sites, such as Dexerto and Polygon, have also picked up the news by giving it prominence, joining the anti-publisher campaign. But someone, looking at the tape of what happened, began to suspect that there was something rotten behind the whole story (not that turning a six-year-old into a streamer is just the height of life, but let's overlook it) and I'm the first investigations started. Looking at the footage carefully it cannot escape how the clip is adulterated with very rough cuts in the audio part. Furthermore, the two parents seem to be acting, which means they don't have a very natural behavior.
PC Gamer then discovered, by contacting Activision, that RowdyRogan's account was never banned and that the whole story was a gabola of the two parents of the year part of a campaign to push the FaZe Clan to take the child into its ranks through the FaZe5 competition, which involves a series of tests, including publishing a content making it go viral.
This is therefore the reason for the fake ban, the crying baby and the desperate parents. After being discovered, the two parents posted an explanatory video on the child's YouTube channel, claiming that the little one enjoyed participating in the staging. After all, his dream was to join the FaZe Clan, so the end justifies the means.