Sonic Adventure, anyway. , it was not only a display of technological strength but also a real dive into the world of the Blue Porcupine. We came to discover that these giant anthropomorphic animals were only a minority in the Sonic universe: there were also humans who led their own lives , you could talk to them and listen to their problems. We spent hours running between the city and the forest just to experience the thrill of being Sonic. And it was pretty damn fun.
When someone claims that Sonic in 3D doesn't work it's because this game (which is now 21 years old) had some collision and camera handling issues. Certainly, however, the controls worked great: the physics and dynamism that made the 2D series famous were still present in all their glory, even if we tend to forget it.
Later, due to troubled development and some bad decisions, Sega was never able to capture the magic of its most iconic character again but, in 1999, Sonic Adventure was a true daydream .