Tim Cook: the future of Apple and smart working
company to what has already been planned by other giants of the hi-tech world, from Microsoft to Facebook via Google and Amazon. The coronavirus crisis and the need to comply with the rules of distancing have led to a sudden adoption of a different business model, based mainly on remote collaboration, thus accelerating the transition to what many have renamed the New Normal. A phase that is not simple, but obligatory, which has led many companies to evaluate the advantages of more flexible operating methods.There is no substitute for face-to-face collaboration, but we have also learned a lot about getting work done while away from the office and without sacrificing productivity or results. All of these teachings are important. When we have overcome the pandemic, we will keep everything fantastic about Apple good by implementing the best of this year's transformations.
So smart working as an opportunity, for Apple as well as for the professional realities of everything the world, provided that both the benefits and the burdens of its adoption are shared equally among all the parties involved: employers and employees.
Returning to the Cupertino group, the company announced that at the beginning of January the collaborators will receive an economic bonus (not quantified) to help overcome this difficult moment.
Source: Bloomberg