The user "Angzt" drew a small interim conclusion and listed what has happened in the past ten months since the release of Warcraft 3: Reforged so everything happened. Accordingly, a total of eight patches were released during this time. However, these mainly focused on changes in general balancing, the removal of various bugs and the optimization of acoustics and graphics. The developers also tweaked the performance a little. But there is still no trace of the majority of the missing features. It is now possible to play custom maps in single player mode, but the rest is still missing. These include:
Player profiles Ladder / Ranking list Clans Custom campaigns IRC-style chat system Worth reading: Warcraft 3: Reforged in the big test by PC Games
Blizzard Entertainment had actually promised that one Most of these features will appear in the form of updates in the months following the release. So far, there is just as little to see of this as a status update from the development team. What do you think? Should Blizzard speak up again and inform the waiting fans? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Reddit.com