People who play video games more time tend to report better "well-being": this conclusion contrasts with other reports that video games can harm people's mental health. The key point is that this study is one of the first to use real playing time data: previous studies were based on estimates made by the players themselves, but this information, as the study found, is rarely correct.
Andrew Przybylski, lead researcher on the project, explained that at the start of the project he was surprised by how little data companies collect from their players, but even more was surprised by how little reliable data had been used in previous studies on potential benefits or harms of video games.
The study found that “if you play Animal Crossing four hours a day you tend to be a happier human being, but that's interesting only because other previous research was very bad quality ".
This does not mean that playing as much as possible is always and only positive! “I am sure that if the research continues, we will learn that there are toxic elements in video games and we will have evidence for that. ”
It should also be emphasized that the study was based on two games suitable for all ages: different works would have a different impact. Furthermore, the gamer's type of approach also has an effect on mental health.
The aim of this study is also to introduce a higher quality standard. Przybylski has in fact criticized the methodology of other researchers, summing it up with these words: "'Hey, this thing that 95% of teenagers do? Yes, it is addictive ... no, we have no supporting data ... ': it makes no sense (to state it) ".
Oxford says it too: playing Animal Crossing New Horizons is good; you can find it on Amazon Italia.