The hint comes from the well-known insider Emily Rogers. To a question from a follower via Twitter, she replied that in her opinion the chances are between 85 and 90 percent that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 will hit the market next year for the Christmas season. However, she could not or did not want to give further details or even specific details.
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An official statement or even confirmation of the release period from Nintendo is pending so far, so you should be careful with the whole thing for the time being. At the moment it is just a rumor. However, Emily Rogers has been correct several times in the past with her predictions, so that there could be some truth in her statements. In addition, a release of Breath of the Wild 2 in the next year appears quite understandable. After all, The Legend of Zelda brand will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2021. It would therefore be the ideal time to bring a new game in the series onto the market.
Source: Twitter