At the moment, no official data are available or from Sony, which has not yet offered details on the matter, nor from Microsoft, which has already made it clear that it has no intention of announcing the number of Xbox Series X | S sold. Despite this, it is currently possible to highlight some considerations. First and foremost, it is a fact that both consoles were the protagonists of a successful debut, with stocks sold out in record time at the main retailers. At the moment, both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X are extremely difficult to find on the primary market, while on the secondary market they are offered at very high prices.
These elements, however indicative if nothing else of the achievement of the first objectives by the two videogame giants, they do not tell us much in terms of units sold by Sony and Microsoft. Even the size of the initial stocks of PS5 and Xbox Series X | S is in fact currently unknown. Even from Benji Sales, a well-known analyst linked to the videogame market, no numerical indications arrive, but only some approximate indications. It seems in particular that the next-gen has achieved excellent sales in November and that the shortage of stocks is destined to recur - "especially for PS5" - also in the course of 2021. On this front, an interview recently granted by Phil is interesting. Spencer, during which the verdecrociato executive highlighted how Microsoft has started the production of the new consoles late compared to Sony, because it is waiting for a specific AMD technology.
At the moment, the only more concrete data seems to come from the Rising Sun, with Famitsu having published sales figures for PS5 and Xbox Series X in Japan. The latter cover only the period between 9 and 15 November and mark a clear gap in favor of Sony, for which the Japanese country is traditionally among the main reference markets.