Over the last few hours, a very short video has appeared on YouTube. months past, we are talking about Returnal one of the many exclusives presented during the event dedicated to the titles coming out soon for PS5. Housemarque, a software house famous for arcade games of the caliber of Alienation, Resogun and Nex Machina, has somehow managed to take inspiration from them in their new project, it is possible to notice from the short video below that the weapons generate explosions or luminous globes. , clear reference to the aforementioned titles. To make it even more exciting and frantic is the presence of a quick and tactical dodge.
Not much is known about this particular project yet, but Housemarque has always managed to create sensational titles to say the least. We will have to wait some time before seeing something else of this psychological horror third-person shooter, but despite having seen very little we are extremely curious about the final result.
What do you think of this news? Are you as curious as we are about this new project? Let us know in the comments below in the dedicated section. As always, we invite you to stay tuned to our pages for all the news regarding Returnal developed by Housemarque coming out for PS5.
Waiting for Returnal, you can monitor and possibly buy at this address PlayStation 5.