Camelot Software Planning recently took care of the great Mario Tennis Aces for Nintendo Switch, but since 2018 we don't know exactly what it's doing, although it's likely already committed to something, considering its standard pace is for a release every two years or so , therefore it is likely that there may also be two titles in development.
Both projects fall within the standard tasks of Camelot, being both responsible for the various sports of Mario and the Golden Sun series, of which the last chapter came out the beauty of ten years ago on the Nintendo DS with Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
There is still the deepest mystery about what exactly the new games in development are: As for the sportsman, there are several possibilities, although many are hoping for a return of Mario Golf, which has been missing from Nintendo's domestic scenes since the 2007 Wii chapter.
As for Golden Sun, it is supposed that it can this is a real new chapter in the action RPG series, particularly appreciated by Nintendo fans but so far relegated exclusively to portable platforms. The sports game could arrive in the first half of 2021, while the timing of the Golden Sun would be much more nebulous.
Obviously, take it all as mere rumors, for now.
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