CEO Scam
Presidents, CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CMOs, CTOs, executive assistants and much more again: the shopping list is extensive, with prices ranging from 100 to 1500 dollars each. Price that is not only a cost, but above all an investment that any scammers could make their own: having the credentials of a manager can also mean the ability to send emails that issue sales or purchase orders, moving money and quickly transforming a few dollars into millions.Scams of this caliber are increasingly widespread, forcing companies to have increasingly tight internal protocols for the passage of commands and information in normal internal workflows. Perimeter defense is obviously no longer enough, but clearer policies are needed to ensure that the loss of credentials (whatever the reason: cyber attacks, vulnerability of external services or phishing) does not put the company at risk precisely because the passage is through figures with high powers within the working group.
ZDNet was able to confirm the validity of the information contained in this database, thus proving the danger of this type of sale. Companies are warned: risks can also come from above.
Source: ZDNet