Cyberpunk 2077: how do romantic relationships work?

Cyberpunk 2077: how do romantic relationships work?
Like any self-respecting RPG, Cyberpunk 2077 will also allow players to establish romantic relationships with non-player characters. Some important details on how this mechanic works have emerged from a recent GameSpot video, by Phil Hornshaw.

Hornshaw has already received the game and claimed to have spent sixteen hours in the streets at neon of the megalopolis of Night City, a period of time during which he was able to get an idea of ​​how romantic relationships work. These can be nurtured by conversing and interacting with different non-player characters: "The more time you spend with people, the more you help them, the deeper the relationship becomes with them." Hornshor talked about a sort of invisible bar that fills as the bond with a particular person increases: although no statistics or indicators are visible, it is possible to perceive the status of a relationship by the tone of interactions and conversations. Aspects such as dialogue choices, adventure decisions, SMS replies, and help provided to that particular character will all contribute to relationship building. Side missions have no time limit, so you can safely leave a person temporarily and return later picking up the relationship from where it left off.

For those who don't want to commit to building a relationship, that it takes time and effort, there will be paid prostitutes. The sex scenes last roughly 30 seconds, and have been described as being more explicit than those in The Witcher 3. Hornshaw points out that they "don't offend Western sensibilities", and that if desired, nudity scenes can be disabled with a convenient selector in menus.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on December 10 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia. It will be backwards compatible from launch with Xbox Series X and PS5, while the free next-gen update will arrive in 2021. While waiting for the review, we recommend that you watch our special on everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077.