With this new feature you can invite friends to your private game of Warzone and choose between the different modes available, from the various Battle Royale to Malloppo and Dirty Money.
How to create a private match
To create a private Warzone game go to the Warzone main menu. At the bottom of the list of available modes you should see the tab labeled "Private Match, Practice Mode & Practice". Select the first option from here, "Warzone Private Game", and you will have access to the private Warzone modes. You can choose whether to play a game of Battle Royale or Swag, including some of their variants. As for the Battle Royale, you have the classic mode available with teams of 2 to 4 players, or the alternative Mini Royale, which will be set in a smaller area of the map than normal and with fewer participants.Il Malloppo is also available in the classic version for 2, 3 or 4 players per team, or in the alternative and more violent "Dirty Money" version. The difference? In the latter each kill guarantees a minimum drop of money (usually $ 20,000), in addition, the contracts of size and the final moves will give much greater rewards. Once you have selected the desired mode, you will be asked to join one of the teams. Alternatively, you can leave the choice to the computer, which will randomly assign you to one of the teams.
Minimum number of players
In order to launch a Warzone private game the lobby must fill with a minimum number of players, which obviously changes depending on the mode chosen. In the case of the classic Battle Royale this number is 50, while in its Mini version it is half. As for the Malloppo instead, there must be at least 30 participants to start. Once the minimum number is reached, the host can start the game and everyone will be catapulted onto Verdansk.Please consider however that this is still a mode in development (Infinity Ward actually considers it in beta), therefore you may encounter random bugs and crashes during the game. Have you downloaded the 33GB Call of Duty Warzone patch yet?