Park - In Zombie mode, make 3 successful evacuations. Evacuations are available starting from the 10th round and consist of reaching the helicopter that brings the team to safety. Adler - In multiplayer, get 10 kills through Scoring Streaks (the equivalent of Modern Warfare Killing Streaks, except here they are obtained based on the score and not the number of kills made). Baker - In any multiplayer mode, get 100 sniper rifle kills. Sims - In any multiplayer mode, destroy 10 enemy vehicles or Score Streaks. Woods - Playing in multiplayer, get to 5 kills without dying, 15 times.Warsaw Pact
Portnova - In any multiplayer mode, kill a total of 50 enemies revealed by Scoring Streaks or Field Power-ups. Beck - In Zombie Mode, get a total of 200 kills using upgraded weapons with Pack-A-Punch. Garcia - In Dirty Bomb mode, detonate or help your team detonate 5 bombs. Stone - In any multiplayer mode, make 15 finishing moves. We remind you that unlocking these operators in Cold War will allow you to use them also in Modern Warfare Warzone!If you want some advice on Cold War multiplayer, check out our guide on how to tag. To learn more about the game, we refer you to the review of Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War.